This body of work explores the horizontal elements of photography in its liquids process. Each glass plate becomes a precarious tray that acts both as process tool and ultimately as artwork itself. The tray holds temporarily the liquid photographic emulsion and let it drip, sediment and dry off completely until the coat becomes a semiopaque solid surface.
These works have such a fragile and metamorphic behaviour that create a paradox in their preservation. It is in their permanent transformation that they become Clepsidrae, that they constantly respond to their environment and make it active author of its form; but this openness comes at the cost of their vulnerability. For this reason, a coat of resin is applied to make them fit their expectations as an artwork; forced to persist in a different time than their own.
Just like any image, they expose the beauty of an ever-flowing world fossilised into object: a human resistance to a world in constant change.